Day Surgery

Luma Day Surgery Centre


Luma Day Surgery Centre comprises two operating theatres and 6 recovery bays. It is a one-stop centre fully equipped to provide our patients with comprehensive care for all breast conditions. Within the span of a day, patients can be admitted for scans, undergo surgical procedures and be discharged in a seamless manner. This is all made possible by a team of professionals fully committed to providing safe, quality and compassionate care.

At Luma, we go above and beyond to ensure  the safety and wellbeing of our patients. All instruments used for surgery and other procedures go through a 4-step sterilisation process in accordance with MOH standards and requirements. The operating theatres are equipped with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration system to ensure 99.9% bacteria filtration. This ensures that our patients are cared for in a safe and clean environment, minimising the risk of infections.

Types of Surgical Procedures that can be performed - Luma

Types of Surgical Procedures that can be performed

  • Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy

  • Breast Conservation

  • Breast Reconstruction Surgery

  • Mastectomy (Complete Breast Removal)

  • Lumpectomy (Breast Lump Removal)

What Patients Can Expect

Every surgery is attended by a team of professionals which may comprise surgeons, an anaesthetist, radiologist, nurses, and if needed, a pathologist will be onsite to provide support for a frozen section biopsy. 

During the surgery, patients will be placed under General Anaesthesia (GA), sedation or Local Anaesthesia (LA).

From surgery to recovery, patients will be closely monitored and cared for. After the surgery, patients will recuperate in the recovery room until the sedation wears off and the patient feels well enough to be discharged.

Frozen Section Facility

Our Day Surgery centre is equipped with a frozen section facility, which allows surgeons to work closely with the pathologist for onsite biopsy examinations and provide a diagnosis within minutes. If more tissue is needed to make an accurate diagnosis, the surgeon is able to obtain an additional sample, avoiding a second operation.

If the tissue is determined to be cancerous and is amenable to surgery, the mass can be removed at that time.

How do you prepare for your operation?