How to prepare for your MRI scan
Let us know if you are pregnant or have kidney problems
Tell us if you are pregnant or could be pregnant, and if you have any kidney problems.
1-2 weeks after your period
If you have a regular menstrual cycle, it is best to schedule your MRI scan 1-2 weeks after the start of your period.
Talk to us if you are claustrophobic, we can help
If you are worried about the MRI scan or feel claustrophobic, let us know so we can better support you.
Fill a simple questionnaire
You will need to fill and sign a questionnaire to ensure that the MRI scanner is safe for you.
As the MRI scanner is a powerful magnet, the questionnaire helps us ensure you do not have any metal implants or electrical devices in our body.
Fasting is not required
You do not need to fast before your breast MRI scan.
We are always here for you
Talk to one of our team if you have any concerns, questions or if you simply want to understand more about your procedure.